7 Ways to Keep a Tidy & Calm Bedroom Oasis

Posted by Rachel 15/08/2023 0 Comment(s)


7 Tips to Create a Tidy and Calm Bedroom Space


Busy lives and hectic schedules can all to often lead to a cluttered and disorganized bedroom.  Stray clothes, dust and disorganisation are not the ingredients for the oasis of calm your bedroom should be.  It can be disheartening having to sleep in a messy room and in some extreme cases it have a negative impact on your well-being and quality of sleep.

Creating a serene and tranquil environment is essential for relaxation and rejuvenation.  In this blog post, we'll explore six practical tips to transform your bedroom into a tidy and calming space.


1. Declutter and Organize


These are fundamental steps toward creating a serene and tidy bedroom sanctuary. The art of decluttering is something that is talked about a lot, you can find a lot of information online to help you through this stage.  We particularly like this blog which gives you a set of rules to go by. 

Essentially it involves systematically sorting through your belongings and letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose. This process instantly reduces visual chaos and paves the way for a more organized space.  Remember,when it comes to letting things go you have to be drastic. Organizing the remaining items into designated storage solutions brings order to the bedroom. Utilise shelves, bins, and baskets to corral items and prevent them from cluttering surfaces. An organized space not only looks tidy but also enhances functionality. When everything has a designated place, it's easier to find what you need and maintain a sense of calm.

A tidy bedroom has numerous psychological benefits. It reduces mental clutter, promoting relaxation and improved focus. Clutter-free environments also foster better sleep by creating a peaceful ambiance. Moreover, decluttering eliminates dust and allergens that can affect air quality, contributing to a healthier living environment.

The process of decluttering and organizing is a transformative journey. It empowers you to take control of your space, promoting a positive mindset and reducing stress. By dedicating time to these practices, you create a haven of order and tranquility that positively influences every aspect of your life.


2. Choose a Soothing Color Palette

Colors have a significant impact on our mood. Opt for a calming color palette that promotes relaxation, such as soft blues, muted greens, or gentle neutrals. Colors have the ability to influence our emotions and mood, making them a potent tool for enhancing sleep quality. Soft, muted shades such as serene blues, tranquil greens, and gentle neutrals have been proven to induce feelings of relaxation and serenity.  Unlike vibrant or bold colors that stimulate the senses, soothing shades help lower heart rate and blood pressure, allowing the body to transition into a state of tranquility and ready to fall asleep.

Incorporating these hues into bedroom decor through wall paint, bedding, and accessories can transform the space into a serene sanctuary. This design approach fosters an environment that eases the mind and promotes a sense of calmness, reducing stress and anxiety that often hinder a good night's sleep. By harnessing the power of a soothing color palette, you can create a sleep-conducive haven where relaxation comes effortlessly, ultimately leading to a more rejuvenating and refreshing sleep experience.


3. Invest in Quality Bedding


Quality bedding plays a crucial role in optimizing sleep and overall well-being. A comfortable mattress and pillows are key components, but the significance of top-notch bedding extends to the sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases. These elements directly impact sleep quality by providing a cozy and supportive cocoon for the body.

Luxurious, high-thread-count sheets offer a smooth, soft texture that enhances comfort and reduces discomfort during the night. Quality bedding materials like cotton and bamboo also regulate body temperature, ensuring you stay cool in warmer months and warm during colder nights. The breathability and moisture-wicking properties of premium bedding fabrics contribute to a comfortable sleep environment, preventing overheating and promoting uninterrupted sleep.

Moreover, the tactile experience of resting on plush, quality bedding can trigger relaxation responses, calming the nervous system and promoting the release of sleep-inducing hormones like serotonin and melatonin. The aesthetic appeal of well-chosen bedding adds to the overall ambiance of the bedroom, fostering a sense of tranquility and mental relaxation.

Investing in high-quality bedding is an investment in your sleep health. It's not just about comfort; it's about creating an optimal sleep environment that supports restful slumber, rejuvenation, and a healthier, more energetic life.


4. Utilise Hidden Storagetidy-bedroom


Utilizing hidden storage solutions is a great approach in achieving a tidy and organized bedroom space. Clutter can disrupt the tranquility of your room, but hidden storage helps maintain a clean aesthetic while maximising space efficiency.

Under-bed storage, for instance, is a smart way to store items out of sight and free up valuable floor space. It allows you to neatly stow away belongings like extra bedding, seasonal clothing, or personal items. This not only reduces visual clutter but also creates a sense of openness in the room.  Your underbed storage can easitly be hidden with the use of a bed valance or valance sheet. (If you want to know more about valances, check out our valance guide).

Cleverly incorporating hidden storage furniture, such as ottomans with compartments or built-in shelving, ensures that your belongings have designated places, minimizing the temptation to leave things lying around. This promotes a clutter-free environment, which has been shown to positively impact mental well-being and reduce stress.

Additionally, hidden storage encourages a streamlined cleaning routine. With less clutter on surfaces, tidying up becomes quicker and easier. This in turn contributes to a serene atmosphere that promotes relaxation and better sleep.


5. Incorporate Soft Lighting


Incorporating soft lighting into your bedroom environment is a must in acheiving a better night's sleep. Harsh, bright lights can disrupt the body's natural production of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. In contrast, soft and warm lighting mimics the gradual dimming of natural light as the evening sets in, signaling to the body that it's time to wind down.

Soft lighting sources, such as bedside lamps, wall sconces, or string lights, create a cozy and inviting atmosphere that encourages relaxation. This ambiance helps lower heart rate and blood pressure, facilitating a transition from wakefulness to slumber. Unlike intense lighting, which stimulates the senses, gentle illumination fosters a sense of calmness and serenity, essential for achieving deep and restorative sleep.

Dimmed lighting also reduces eye strain and minimizes disruptions if you need to get up during the night, preserving the body's sleep-friendly state. Incorporating soft lighting as part of a bedtime routine establishes a soothing environment that supports a consistent sleep schedule, leading to improved sleep quality and overall well-being. By embracing the tranquility that soft lighting provides, you pave the way for nights filled with uninterrupted and rejuvenating rest.


6. Ditch the Devices


Leaving electronic devices out of the bedroom is a pivotal step toward ensuring a better night's sleep and promoting overall well-being. The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers suppresses the production of melatonin, disrupting the body's natural sleep-wake cycle. By banishing these devices from the bedroom, you create a sleep-conducive environment that encourages restfulness.

The constant stream of notifications, emails, and social media updates can also lead to heightened stress and anxiety, hindering relaxation. Detaching from electronic devices before bed allows the mind to unwind and prepare for sleep without the distractions and pressures of the digital world.

Additionally, the buzzes and beeps from devices can disrupt sleep throughout the night, preventing you from reaching deeper sleep stages. By making the bedroom a technology-free zone, you create a haven of tranquility that supports uninterrupted rest. Replacing screen time with relaxing activities such as reading, meditation, or gentle stretches promotes a healthier sleep routine.


7. Keep a Regular Cleaning Routine


Regular cleaning of the bedroom can significantly enhance the quality of your sleep and contribute to your overall well-being. A quick 5 minute clean every other day will lead to a clean and organized space that creates that sense of calmness and tranquility.  All of which which directly impact your ability to relax and unwind before sleep.

Dust, allergens, and pollutants accumulate over time and can disrupt air quality, potentially leading to respiratory issues or allergies that will disturb your sleep. Regular cleaning, including dusting surfaces, vacuuming floors, and washing bedding, helps maintain a healthier environment conducive to restful sleep.


So you can see, in conclusion a serene and tidy bedroom is essential for a good night's sleep and overall well-being. Embrace these tips and enjoy the tranquility of your newly organized bedroom oasis.


If your looking for luxury bedding to help create your oasis of calm we can help!  Victoria Linen make beautiful bedding to fit any bed perfectly, all made in house and sent to you direct. To discuss options or get additional advice on cottons, bed sheets or anything else contact our team on 01706 220 020 or drop us an email


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