Sleep Debt 101: What It Is & How To Fix It

Posted by Rachel 24/02/2023 0 Comment(s)

Sleep Debt 101: What It Is & How To Fix It


Do you get enough sleep each night? We all know the benefits of several hours of sweet dreams, but could your body need more? If so, you could be in sleep debt!


But what is sleep debt? This term has popped up time and time again in recent years, although you may have heard it referred to as sleep deficit.


In short, it refers to how much sleep an individual needs compared to how much they’re realistically getting. For example, eight hours of sleep is typically the average number for many to get good quality rest. However, if you’re only hitting six hours a night, you’re in two hours of sleep debt.


In addition, one night’s sleep isn’t looked at in isolation. Sleep debt is cumulative, and over a few days, you could be building up a hefty deficit, which affects mood, cognitive function and overall health over time.


How to avoid sleep debt


While it’s easier said than done, trying to get the required sleep hours each night is the best way to avoid sleep deficit altogether. But with evening commitments, stress and other lifestyle factors interrupting rest time, learning how to avoid sleep debt is a great way to minimise it. Some areas to consider include the following:


Learn how much sleep you need


Everyone is different, so learning more about your sleep patterns and how much rest you need helps avoid sleep debt.

The average number of hours considered ideal is between seven and nine hours. However, surveys suggest the average UK adult sleeps less than this at around six and a half hours. So if your sleep levels are under seven hours a night, it’s time to look at getting more.


Get into better habits


If you find yourself spending a few more minutes watching the TV or scrolling your phone, it all adds up. Getting into a good nighttime routine sets you up for quality sleep.

It’s also a great idea to switch off screens around 30 minutes before heading to bed. The light emitted from your devices can interfere with how quickly you drift off. So, instead, choosing a relaxing activity like reading can help soothe the mind.


Make your bedroom a sleep haven


It’s surprising how much your bedroom affects the quality of sleep. First up, ensure the temperature is just right - too hot or too cold, and it’ll affect your sleep.

If light bothers you, then opt for blackout blinds or curtains to stop external light from getting in. Another important factor to consider is your bed and linens. From old mattresses to scratchy sheets, these little things can amount to lost hours of slumber.

An affordable way to make a change is investing in new bedding. Opt for high quality cotton sheets or bamboo bed linen. Both are soft against the skin and are natural temperature regulators to keep you cosy in bed.

Sometimes life gets in the way and sleep debt is unavoidable. So how can you fix it?


How to fix sleep debt


Catching up on sleep might seem impossible, but there are a few ways you can start to reduce the deficit, such as:


Take a nap


Napping is a great way to claw back 20-30 minutes during the day. Studies suggest that taking a nap not only helps counteract sleep debt but also provides improved mental capacity for a few hours after too.

Just remember to take a brief nap and set an alarm. Sleeping for extended hours during the day is likely to affect your overnight sleep quality, which is counterproductive.


Use the weekends to catch up


While sleeping in at the weekend for hours isn’t going to clear your sleep debt – a few extra minutes could help balance out your sleep pattern more effectively.

Weekends are also a great time for naps. For example, if you can’t fit a nap in during the week, use your days off to get half an hour in.


Stick to a routine


The key to fixing sleep debt is to stick to a routine. Within this schedule, you can then introduce earlier bedtimes to make us for lost sleep. Again, it’s best to start slow. For example, aim to go to bed 15 or 30 minutes earlier each night to get back to your regular sleep hours.   


Consider sleep as part of your overall wellness


The relationship you have with rest is a vital part of your overall health. Getting quality sleep ensures your body can recharge and be ready for the day ahead. Plus, it helps avoid falling into sleep debt.

Just like going to the gym or eating healthily, sleep should form part of the whole wellness package. Without rest and rejuvenation, your body cannot process other aspects of life fully. For example, lack of sleep affects how you work out and how well your body recovers from injury or ill health. Likewise, without good sleep and sufficient hours of rest, many elements of lifestyle, mood and health feel the results.


How long does sleep debt last?


While there isn’t a definitive answer on how long sleep debt lasts, studies suggest a full recovery can take between a few hours to several days (depending on the hours lost).

Of course, the more sleep deficit you have, the longer this process takes. Extended sleep debt may also be a cause of other sleep issues, such as insomnia. So speaking with a health professional will assist in persistent deficit cases.


Enjoy better sleep with Victoria Linen


Bedrooms should provide a relaxing space to catch up on your sleep. In addition, choosing the right bedding can help create a comfortable haven for sweet dreams.

At Victoria Linen, our range of bedding, duvets, pillows and sheets provide the ideal foundation, making your bed a cosy place you can’t wait to get into. Plus, our high-quality fabrics are soft, durable and available in a range of styles so that you can match your bedroom décor with ease.

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