My Bed, My Marriage Counselor

For all those long-suffering spouses who have spent entire marriages wishing they could humanely silence their snoring partners, Prodigy provides the answer: the anti-snore button.

The one-touch, anti-snore technology allows the user to articulate the sleep position of a snoring partner by seven degrees to open the nasal passages, which can alleviate mild to moderate snoring. After thirty minutes, the bed gently returns the sleeper to the original sleep position, whatever it may be.

Another feature sure to curb bedroom battles is a gentle-wake alarm system that softly massages the sleeper awake. Because Prodigy can work on dual twin mattresses, each sleeper can be awakened individually, perfect for couples who can’t agree on a common wake time or a unified snooze-button strategy.

And for the millions of Americans who awaken at 2 a.m. to find they’ve fallen asleep in the recliner (once again), Prodigy provides a spouse-approved solution. A built-in sleep timer automatically sets the bed from an active position to a sleeping position, so users can recline in bed and skip the early morning, toe-stubbing walk from recliner to bedroom.

Couples losing sleep over stolen covers can benefit from Prodigy’s dual temperature-controlled surface. Using liquid-based Peltier technology, the mattress can be set to “pre-heat” or “pre-cool” both sides of the bed from 68 degrees to 117 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s a boon to both menopausal women suffering from hot flashes and to couples who can never agree on the same temperature.

An Apple a Day

Outside of its advanced sleep features, Prodigy’s operation also takes it to a Jetsonian era with a WiFi remote control featuring LED screen. But if WiFi isn’t hi-fi enough for users, they can command multiple bedroom electronics including television, lighting and the bed itself using an iPhone or iPod Touch application, which acts as universal remote.

On the Horizon

Alongside Prodigy, Leggett will debut two additional concept models, complete with a series of undisclosed features never before seen in adjustable beds. Leggett will use feedback and insights from retailers to further develop these high-tech adjustables.

Considering that everything from home entertainment options to car settings are moving towards personal customization, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate the more modern applications of the adjustable bed.

“Prodigy’s features only touch the surface of what adjustable beds can do,” said Quinn. “Leggett is leading the initiative to bring technology, comfort and personal customization to adjustable beds in an entirely new way. We’re creating an experience for the consumer that’s completely unexpected.”