Our Top 10 Tips for Getting a Good Nights Sleep!


Taking to long to get to the land of nod? Read through our handy guide and we’ll help you sail away to a great nights sleep.

Getting a good night’s sleep is important, not only for your health and well-being, but also for your productivity, balance, and energy.

Those who fall short in getting the quality and quantity of sleep needed often find themselves, feeling tired, forgetful, depressed and unproductive.

To help in your quest for rest-filled sleep, here are our top 10 tips to stop you counting those sheep and get a good night’s sleep.

Tip 1 – The Sleep Schedule –

Your body has a natural sleep cycle and getting in tune with yours will help you sleep better. This simply means going to sleep and waking at the same time each day, and yes, that means even on holidays!

Tip 2 – Say No to Napping –

Naps, short or long can keep you awake at night. If you must absolutely must nap limit your nap to 10 to 20 minutes in the early afternoon.

Tip 3 – Choose Wisely What and When You Eat at Night –

Don’t eat a huge meal before bedtime, instead try and have your dinner a bit earlier to alleviate tummy troubles like indigestion and heartburn, both of which may keep you awake at night. Of course, you don’t want to go to be hungry either, so if you must try something light before bed, like a yogurt or light cereal.

Tip 4 – Limit Caffeine and Alcohol at Night –

Avoid caffeine (tea, colas, coffee, and chocolate) which can keep you up late into the night. You’ll also want to avoid alcohol near bedtime, it doesn’t help with sleep, though it might make you feel sleepy it can lead to a listless and light sleep filled night.

Tip 5 – Exercise Regularly and Right –

Studies show those who exercise regularly, sleep better at night. Even walking for 10-15 minutes daily can improve sleep – both quality and quantity. Keep in mind that you don’t want to exercise vigorously within three hours of bedtime, which will have the opposite effect.

Tip 6 – Create Your Own Bedtime Routine –

Only you know what relaxes you, but by creating a routine that allows you to relax, you find a better night’s sleep on the horizon. Try reading a book, taking a soothing bath or shower, listening to tranquil music or aromatherapy.

Tip 7 – Control the Light –

Turn down the lights or use lamp light several hours before bedtime. It can give a calming atmosphere. In addition, recent research indicates that screen time (television, computer, mobile phones, and tablets can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. When it’s time for bed, make sure your bedroom is dark.

Tip 8 – Keep your Cool –

Too hot and your be sticky and uncomfortable. Too cold and your’ll wake up shivering! Aim to Keep your bedroom cool and ventilated at night, this can aid you in your quest for a good night’s sleep.

Tip 9 – Choose Cozy, Comfy Bedding –

Mattress, pillows, and bedlinens can make all the difference to your rest-filled night. Choose mattress and pillows which are comfortable to you – the level of support you need. For your bedlinens, natural fibers like cotton and silk are the best choice, allowing the body to regulate temperature and for heat to dissipate during the night.

Tip 10 – Reduce Your Stress –

Get organized, take breaks when needed, and if your ‘to do’ list rambles through your head at bedtime, keep a notepad by your bed. Write them down and set it aside until morning.

Those our our tips to stop you staring at the ceiling/wall cracks/alarm clock at night. Hopefully using these will result in you getting some deep, restoring sleep and get you ready for the day ahead.

Feel free to share this with anyone you think may need it, (your half asleep work colleague perhaps). Plus, if you can think of any tips we may have missed please feel free to add them below.